Maria Gomez

Maria Gomez is from Guatemala and skins, cleans and packs fish at Bergie's Seafood. She has worked at the company for 15 years and her husband is also an employee.


Seafood Packer, Bergie's Seafood

Yo trabajo en la maquina "skinning machine" es limpiar pescado, empacar pescado, de todo...Los cortadores lo cortan, lo hace filetes y un hombre que trae el pescado lo pone a la par de la maquina entonces yo agarro los pescados lo paso as uno, uno, uno, entonces los pescados se va y lo tiro la piel, después se van en los tobos.

I work on the machine "skinning machine" to clean the fish, pack the fish, everything. The men cut the fish into fillets, and then a man brings you the fish on the side of the machine, then I take them and pass the fish through the machine, one by one. Then the fish goes through and the skin comes off, after that the fish goes into the tub.
